Wednesday, January 25, 2012

One Day

I was unpleasantly surprised with the direction that this movie took. I mean, after watching the preview I would have thought I was in for a formulaic romantic comedy where the sexual tension builds until the point of bursting and then there is a passionate sex scene and everyone lives happily ever after. That's not quite the case. Anne Hathaway is semi-charming with her fake British accent as she goes from frumpy to feminine chic and her friendship with Jim Sturgess teases the audience by presenting an attraction between them and taking years for either of them to act on it. By the time the two finally do get together, there is a sense of relief and a warm fuzzy feeling that everyone gets at that "happily ever after" moment, BUT in this film that feeling is ripped abruptly away from the spectator by overwhelming disappointment as the movie ends in tragedy rather than happiness. I don't want to give away the ending, but since your probably more curious than ever because of my previous statement I'll tell you...She dies...Yeah, it takes them forever to get together and bring out the best in each other and all that crap and then she gets hit by a bus. I think I've made my point.

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