Sunday, January 8, 2012

Midnight in Paris

The most recent film by Woody Allen, Midnight in Paris is an adventurous film that deals with the idea of people always feeling like they belong in another decade. I am always skeptical of Allen's films because they are usually drawn out with too much dialog that over-analyzes situations, but I always watch his movies because he's Woody Allen. I did enjoy this film, but I found the main character, played by Owen Wilson to be the neurotic, worrier that Allen usually plays in his films. Wilson plays a writer visiting Paris with his fiance, Rachael McAdams and decides to walk around Paris alone one evening. When the clock strikes midnight, a 1920's era car appears and Wilson is ushered in by several people in the trends of that era. Wilson is then introduced to famous writers of that time such as, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gertrude Stein(Kathy Bates), Pablo Picasso, etc. After visiting for several nights Wilson realizes that no matter what time period a person exists in, there is always a longing to exist in another.

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